Thursday, December 13, 2007


here is a motif to my in progress novel (tentatively entitled "Reality Writer"):
The envelope makes a (seemingly, at first read) innocuous appearance in the first paragraph of the book. It is intended to seem only a vehicle for Kade, the main character (protagonist), (although the reader never actually sees into it) to make his RESIGNATION from a small publishing house (that is quickly going out of business) official.
It, unlike others like it that will appear later, doesn't have a BARCODE, isn't MANILLA, isn't 12 inches by 12 inches and doesn't have a "PUBLISHER CERTIFIED SEAL." It may be presumed (later) to be a "normal envelope"-not "PUBLISHER ISSUED"- but it may also be presumed to be the PREDECESSOR to the "PUBLISHER ISSUED" and therefore still to the same effect..... If the latter is presumed the reader must consider what DIRECTIONS were being given and if Kade was in any way responsible for making them or merely a MESSENGER (and if so whether or not he was knowingly.)
The first standard "Publisher Certified" envelope appears after Kade is hired by THE PUBLISHER, attends the first "PLOT MEETING" and on his way out of the building (THE PUBLISHER'S SKYSCRAPER) reports to the PUBLISHER'S SECRETARY and is given it. This is the first time Kade (WHO IS "REMARKEBLY PERCEPTIVE") appears to notice that envelopes like the one he is given might be far more impactful than just helping perpetuate the PLOT THE PUBLISHER (his boss) is trying to........He notices there is a file cabinet that holds "thousands of other such envelopes."
The second appears at THE TOWN'S SMALL AIRPORT inside the AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER'S car. Kade, waiting to pick his brother and brother's fiancee up from their delayed flight, runs out to his car (to pick up his NOTEBOOK) and notices it. His curiosity eventually gets the better of him and decides to get into the car by any means to determine if the envelope (that is partially concealed under some magazines) is in fact the kind of envelope he thinks it might be. In fact it is and he copies the numbers under the barcode (which later he will utilize.)
The impactfullness of the ENVELOPE is much more outstretching but I gotta get some sleep.

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